1-100 British Soldiers 1940 Subset 2

1-100 British Soldiers 1940 Subset 2


1-100 British Early WW2 (1940) Soldiers for wargaming - Subset 2 Pretty simple 1/100 scale figures for wargaming. These represent British troops in the 1940 BEF. For these figures, I made bodies, heads, arms, etc from scratch, adding belts and straps. I still used some of Bergman's miscellaneous parts. I print most of my own figures at 1/150, so I made some portions a bit larger than the true scale and added "fillers", so they would print better at the smaller scale. One difference between early war figures and late war figures are the personal equipment such as canteens and pouches, packs, rolled overcoats, etc. All officers wear peaked hats. All carry the gas mask pouch on the chest. The other noticeable difference is the weaponry carried. I included sten guns and Thompson SMG's in the mix, although they weren't used till 1942 or so. Heavy weapons (crew-served weapons) include the 2" mortar which was roughly similar to the Japanese "knee mortar", used as a platoon-level weapon until well after WW2. The radios are WS-18's. When I do the 1944 Brits, I'll use the WS-38. One of the artillery gunners is customized to fit on Bergman's 2 Pdr AR gun, part of his 2-pdr portee model. The motorcyclists uase the BSA M20 motorcycle, with its 1-cylinder engine. Its more a motorbike than a motorcycle. Engineers have Bangalore torpedoes and satchel charges. Due to the number of files and inability to upload zip files, The set is broken into 4 Subsets: Subset 1 -Artillery Crews, Engineers and Heavy (crew-served) Weapons Subset 2 -Crouching, Kneeling and Prone Subset 3 -Running, Sitting, Squatting, and Standing Subset 4 -Officers, Radio Operators, Walking and Motorcyclists Leave me a message here if there are questions, errors or requests. These models by waynemc65 are licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike license.






