10mm nut holder toyota brake actuator gen 3 III
For reaching two 10mm nuts on gen 3 prius brake actuator accumulator studs once they're loosened with a wrench. There's not enough room to get two fingers in to start the nut. Push the gear looking part with a screwdriver to turn it. Glue plastic washer on top (or tiny screw) to hold it together and glue a magnet in the hex. This tool was inspired by the line drawing in the recall instructions in the toyota pdf. The toyota tool is unobtanium I believe. I printed it with PLA at .2 layer height with extra walls and very little infill but I dont think any of that matters. It's only holding a 10mm nut that you could use your fingers for if there was room. This object was made in Tinkercad. Edit it online https://www.tinkercad.com/things/4rYtajkXuJU