Custodes Tracker

Custodes Tracker


I wanted to make something to keep track of my Custodes specific stuff as I tend to forget what Stances I have and what one I'm currently on. So now I got a lovely thing to set to the side of the table to show what stance I'm on and what ones I have available. The Katah die shows which stance I'm currently in such as 6 would be Tertiary Ka'tah Stance 2. I'm also going to use a different colors 12mm D6 to show if I'm doing the Double Stance that the Shield Host lets you do. 3x2mm magnets The N52's I have give a very satisfying click into place. The Stance Covers hold well enough onto the Stances through the PLA, at least with the magnets I have. The dice are 12mm I'm running two colors of dice, white for all of the counters which gets switched to orange dice I have for when I get CP refunded or I'm double stancing. This really helps me because I forget if I got the refund all the time. There's now a smaller version with the turn tracker removed.



