G1 Inspired Add-ons for CW/UW Scattershot
Two add-on parts and gun for CW/UW Scattershot! You'll want to print two of each, mirroring the two vehicle-mode add-ons. The gun is an adaption of my G1 Scattershot shoulder gun, with a 5mm peg so it can fit in any of Scattershot's mounting ports, or in his hands. No way to fit it on the shoulders, but you can't have everything. The other two parts are designed to make the vehicle mode resemble the G1 design a little more, filling in the odd gaps in the wings and adding some "nacelles" to the front end based on the G1 figure's nose cone. Plus it fills the whole thing out into a more pleasing "starfighter" sort of shape. It can be left on to transform to robot mode, no problem! Finally, I made a few stickers for the bot. If you've got the means to print them, I've included the sheet. The grey strip I made to go along the vehicle nose hinge joint didn't work out so well, but maybe you'll have better luck. Sheet also has a couple of Autobot insignia, just to fill in the space.