Puzzle Piece Filament Swatch
Made so that all your colors can interlock, these fun swatches also lie flat to create a placemat of sorts! This is my take on filament swatches. These puzzle pieces can interconnect in a very simple and easy way, and it gives you a direct sided by side comparison of whatever colors you may be thinking of using. When connected they can form a placemat type surface that you can use, so it you really wanted to you could probaby put your 3D printer on it. Easy to store as well. For the versions with words able to be put on them(.scad files) you may need to thicken the words or scale the file up becasuse they might be too thin for the printer to even attempt. I have the blank puzzle piece already scaled up to 120%, but the .scad files are still only 100%. I used the pliers that come with the Prusa MK3S+ for size reference. Thingiverse won't let me put the pictures in because they are too large, but printables would so go here for pictures: https://www.printables.com/model/267578-puzzle-piece-filament-swatch