Home Office Model

Home Office Model


This model was created to showcase the ability of Palette to create intricate multi-coloured interior design models. This home office model was designed specifically for someone who engages in frequent 3D printing and design work. Can you spot some familiar devices in this model? 1) For minimized bleeding of darker colours (such as green, dark grey, brown and black) into lighter colours, it is recommended that users set the variable transition lengths to strong and increase the “maximum transition length” (Project Settings>Transition>Variable Transition Lengths). A recommended “maximum transition length” for this print is 210 mm as colours such as white and clear are prone to bleeding. 2) Due to the small details in this design, it is recommended that users scale this model as large as can be (taking into consideration the size of the build plate, the transition tower, and the skirt of the model, alongside the size of the model itself). 3) This model is split into 6 separate multi-colour prints. To know which parts are to be printed together, please read the names of the attached files carefully. For example, the first print would consist of all the “part 1” STL files. 4) Please verify that all 6 prints are scaled by the same amount to ensure they fit together once printed. The size used for our print on a Prusa MK3 was 45%. Once all the parts are printed, they can be attached manually with glue or tape. To gain a visual understanding of the placement of each print, please view the photos for this model on Mosaic’s social media pages. 5) Project Difficulty: 4.5/5



