Geneva Counting Mechanism
# Geneva Counter A geneva counting mechanism I designed for an assignment. Designed in Solidworks for Makers 2022. It can count from 0-99 or 99-0, just change the direction you rotate the drive. I designed this to work with a rubber band but any high-friction belt that fits will do the job just fine. You could even connect it to a motor shaft and that'd work fine. # Assembly I used 22mm OD, 8mm bore radial ball bearings and an M8 bolt to hold the main wheels but any rod to suit the bearings you use will do the job. The transmission gears just sat on an M3 rod. See the motion study to see how it works. To affix the transmission insert onto the unit's roller I used my soldering iron set at a reasonably low temperature and essentially tac-welded it in place. This held very well but you can also just glue it in place. Currently, it only supports a unit's wheel and a ten's digit wheel. If I get enough requests, I will consider adding another wheel that would make it expandable up to however many digits you want. # Alignment This will only operate as expected if you align the device correctly. There is only one way it will line up so that the digits count correctly so unless you plan on torturing the sanity out of people who are looking at it I suggest you watch the motion study first or print the device and figure it out (it's super obvious). # Questions Feel free to comment below if you have any questions or requests.