Ender 5 Pro PSU cover for Noctua fan

Ender 5 Pro PSU cover for Noctua fan


I upgraded all my fans and replaced them with ones from Noctua. My goal was to keep the original look of the printer and avoid the need to print a whole new base-plate for my Ender 5 Pro.This design is an exact copy of the original power-supply cover (where the fan is attached) and features a hole where a Noctua NF-A6x25 fits through. I mounted the Noctua 60mm fan on the black steel plate (with hot glue) and it fits perfectly through the hole. You can print it without support by flipping it so that the screw holes face upwards. I also added the Fusion-file if you want to modify it Now enjoy your new silent printer in its original design ;)



