Lidl Glider Pitcheron Conversion

Lidl Glider Pitcheron Conversion


This is based on the following things: - Lidl Glider 2022 wing adjustment by Karollo on Thingiverse: (those wing adjustments are kind of flimsy compared to the ZiegeOne's but it'll do if printed with PETG) - Lidl Glider 1806 Motor Mount (up to 2020) by gowen on Thingiverse: (it only has one part - no good. I'm using JMT 1806 2400KV motor) - Small folding propeller hub for RC plane by grmis on Thingiverse: (this is for the 6x3 folding prop) Motor mount now consists of two parts. Glue M2 nuts into the motor mount part 2, cut the nose using provided 2mm template and glue it to the glider. Folding prop hub by grmis cannot be used as it is because it is too week if printed with PETG (even with 100% infill). So I'm using my 7x4 variant and I mount the blades with 0.5mm zinc coated steel wire. Use as many wire loops while it still fits into the hub's holes The plane flies good with the motor and all the things installed unless the battery is installed. So the battery needs to be placed close to the CG under the wing. I'm still working on balancing the plane I print everything with PETG and 100% infill







R/C Vehicles