Ender 3 Direct Drivinator for E3D V6 on Klemco Mount
Sorry, I don't know how to make one of these files come up in the big picture spot. I use E3D V6 hotend on a Klemco mount. The Klemco mount elminated so many hassles for me that I'd never go back to a printed assembly again. This is fully derived from Madau3D's Drivinator for Ender 3. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3589452 I had to make some changes to accomodate my setup. Since everything about my hotend was working properly, like the proximity sensor, the cooling fan duct, etc., I didn't want to have to change any of that. So, that is why I rotated the stepper motor platform 90 degrees, so as not to interfere with anything I already had going there. If I remember correctly, I didn't have to remove any part of my hotend assembly to use this part. Refer back to Madau3D's Drivinator thing for printing instructions and all other useful information. I don't have anything to add. The result of this modified version mated with E3D V6 and Klemco mount, there is absolutely 0 distance between the output of my filament drive (the red metal one from Amazon with fitting attached) and the input of my E3D V6 hotend. Don't forget the short piece of PTFE tubing as instructed, but it will not be visible, it will be completely concealed. I have successfully printed flexible filaments, PETG, nylon, and some of the cheapest PLA I've ever received, without any problems. I've been sitting on this for a couple of years, always meaning to share it here, never getting around to it. I kludged it up using Microsoft 3D Builder (I don't know how to use anything else) and it was an embarrasing mess that I didn't want to get into tidying up, which turned out to be an all night process. I did use Fusion 360 to repair all the errors I'd end up with given all the cutting, copying, pasting, merging I had to do with MS 3DB. Can't get a handle on how to accomplish anything else with that F360 deal. Many many thanks and cheers to the originator of the Drivinator, Madau3D. Great work, thoughtful design elements. Well done, sir.