USB Microscope Slider holder/stand
Most USB Microscopes do not come with any kind of slide holder or support for using slides built into the aluminum stands commercially available so I remixed the slide holder by raissteven to be a stand-alone slide holder that can be positioned under a USB Microscope. I have made 2 different versions with 2 different heights as it looks like raissteven may have designed his for a similar purpose to mount to some kind of microscope stand. I made the V1 version which doesn't have any legs on the bracket portion and Version 2 which does have legs near the bracket portion to allow it to stand on its own and be more stable. Both Version 1 and Version 2 have a Half inch tall version and 1 Inch tall version. I designed the legs to be around the perimeter of the frame to allow for external light to get underneath as well as the ability to snake an LED underneath for slides that benefit from being back lit rather than the built-in light on most USB microscopes that shines down from above the slide. If printed upside down minimal supports should be needed. I have not printed this as of yet but will be as soon as I post this so I will update you with the best way to orient the model for printing once I have printed it.