Filament Swatch box with hinged standard swatches

Filament Swatch box with hinged standard swatches


***Please support me by using!*** If you want to support me, please download and(!) like [this flipping swatch box on printables]( and have a look at all [my designs there]( If there are enough downloads&likes, i might get a spool of great prusa filament for free :-). There will also be the latest version from now on (as Thingiverse downloads are a bit broken at the moment) You can find the latest [flipping filament box](, the standard [filament box]( (including pegboard holders) and [swatch dividers]( there. ***The flipping filament swatch box***: In case you print several of these filament swatches, you might need a storage solution. This is an improved one, where each swatch has its own slot-in holder which includes a hinge, in order to browse through all the colors/materials quickly. Features: - All swatches are held securely, can still be browsed through as each swatch is hinged - Standard swatches can be used as they are (backward compatible) - The swatches can be removed and put back freely - The box is designed to be print-in-place - Box sizes are 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 swatches. More possible of course using the OpenSCAD source. - The lid has either no label, or you can get lids with all material labels from [flipping filament box]( These [filament swatches]( fit perfectly. Customizing To customize, install OpenSCAD on your own computer and follow the customizing instructions on this thing page. If you print a box, please share a picture using the "comment" button and attach the picture. Im also interested in your ideas how to improve the box. If you like it, please have a look at all my [customizable creations]( There are more configurable-text-based creations, [multi-line label](, [floor stand](, [gadget display stand](, [sweeping name plate](, [bunting banner](, [customizable text box III](, [pyramid text](, [name plate](, [Customizable text box with lid]( and [round text]( Have also a look at my configurable [pack of dogs](, [rabbits](, [reindeers]( and [santas]( There are also useful [coat hangers]( and [finger toys](



