Quest 2 Wall Mounted Reversible Headset Hanger

Quest 2 Wall Mounted Reversible Headset Hanger


This allows you to hang your Quest 2 headset with the nose to the wall, or "Nose Outward".. The slot lets the headset hang in either direction for charging or storage. The Hand Controller Hangers can be wall mounted on either side of the Headset Holder, Over it, or under it, etc. The "Hand Controller Hanger" is a knock off of CorneliousJD's Wall Mounted headphone holder.. The curve for the Oculus Hand Controller Rings just happened to be the perfect curve when cut down, resized a little, and with a taller outer lip added... His headphone holder can be found here.. Sorry, but since Thingiverse changed the way files are zipped together with the maker's "Thing number" embedded in a text file, I simply CAN NOT seem to find the original file (See Update Below!!) that I modified heavily with the original Non-Slotted Headset holder, But when I find the link, I'll post it! It's an Awesome file, but it only allowed the Quest 2 headset to sit on it "Nose Facing Toward Wall", and I needed the Headset to sit "Nose facing out" so I can see the charging lights on our Quest 2 Headsets from my desk more easily... I had to extend the holder a good deal, Change the curves where the "nose" of the headset sits so it'll hang properly in either direction while still supporting the face-shield, and put a wide slot in it so the Headset's Top Strap could fit through it when I sit the Headset on the mount, "Nose Facing Out". UPDATE!!! I found the original file.. By "CodeNameX" (Sorry Bud.. But THANKS for the file!!) When printed in the "Obvious Orientation" I've printed many of these over the last few months for other family members, and haven't needed any supports. It's "NO Hassle", and VERY fast to use to hang your headset and hand controllers in any direction, while keeping the curve of the Face Shield properly supported so it doesn't warp or dent over time.







Video Games