3" cube Sci-fi modular terrain 15 - bridges/walkways

3" cube Sci-fi modular terrain 15 - bridges/walkways


Here are some bridges that just slip onto my other terrain files without any assistance (glue or whatever). I tried to upload them a little while ago but thingiverse lost them? There are a few different styles of bridge and handrail as I modified the design, I've included them all. Also, some of the designs have been tweaked since the images were made. Handrail [01] works on all the bridge files but when used with bridge [02a] it uses the outer edge holes which in turn uses the corners of the 'tops' it connects to, which don't allow the use of walls (see images). This was quickly addressed and I made the rest of the bridges 70mm wide so it connects to the inner edge hole which allows walls to the sides (see images). Handrail [02a] & [02b] have different peg positions and work with all the bridges except [01a] & [01b]. These are more versatile handrails as they can connect to the inner edge hole of any 'top' file making any 'top' a potential bridge (see images), be it single or double cube. Hope you enjoy.






