G1 Optimus Prime Trailer Door Hinge part

G1 Optimus Prime Trailer Door Hinge part


As a Transformers Collector, I get a lot of incomplete figures. I find some parts are extremely difficult to find or are easily broken. Here is one solution. This is a replacement for a broken hinge on a G1 Optimus Prime Trailer. It is intended to replace the most commonly broken part on the trailer. You can, but it is not necessary to glue the part in place. It fits over the end of the pin of the side panel and for me at least, fits snug enough to hold the door on. If you choose to glue it in place, leave the pin in to keep it aligned. If only the tab is broken, remove the pin and side panel, score the edge of the round part on the base. Use plyers or otherwise cut/break the round part off. Reassemble and slide the printed part onto the end. This is designed for the right side (opening facing you). If you need the left, just mirror it in your slicer.



