Kayak Pedal Drive Insert

Kayak Pedal Drive Insert


This thing is a pedal drive insert for a Hobie style pedal drive kayak (in my case a Lightning Strike) that clamps around a trolling motor shaft. It is designed to fit my MinnKota 30# thrust trolling motor with a roughly 28.6mm diameter shaft. I've included the Fusion360 file so you may update the sketch that drives the motor shaft diameter to fit other motor shafts or to tweak the insert shape to fit other Hobie style pedal drive inserts as needed. The 3mf files for PrusaSlicer are also included to provide my attempt at custom infill zones to make certain parts of the print as strong as possible. They also define minimal supports so that some overhanging areas may be bridged with easy to remove supports. I printed this with PETG using 5 perimeters and 5 vertical shells to maximize strength despite the 100% infill parts shown in the 3mf files.



