The Fragile One - Forged Carbon Quadcopter Frame (4 inch)

The Fragile One - Forged Carbon Quadcopter Frame (4 inch)


This is an work in progress project of forged carbon 4incher quad. Forged carbon is a way to make omnidirectional carbon with just some carbon fibers. Tutorial how to use the form is coming soon. TLDR make threads in every M4 hole on the form so you can took the final result out, use wax or release agent to prepare the form and fill the holes with threads (or screw there some m4 screws and wax them to protect from resin). Fill the from with resin, short carbon fibers (10-15mm length) (around 70g of fibers to have a spare). It takes around hour to fill it well. Then press it hard with vise or clamps and something to keep the form flat. Wait until the resin is fully hardened and then screw in as many screws as you can and slowly tighten them up to take apart two halves of form. USE PROTECTION GLOVES because the short fibers with resin is really pointy and sharp and everywhere. Then file the excess resin and fibers, drill holes for bottom and topplate and screw it all together with M2 screws. More info will be added soon







R/C Vehicles