Combination Lock Large knob and lock case/mount

Combination Lock Large knob and lock case/mount


Added a few things to this lock for use on my Arduino based coind counter and safe. site build in progress Sept 2022. FreeCad files included. Added a case so the lock can be mounted on a plate (perspex in my case). The case has a cutout to be covered in a Perspex sheet so the mech can be viewed if required. The case keeps the coins out of the lock parts. The case is fiked to the lock with M2 self tappers. Added a larger knob that can be rotated to change the combination ( alimited amount) along with changing the poition of the bolts on the code wheels. The knob overlaps the printed letters so no precise cutting is required for a neat finish. Also included a pointer and mount - print these small files at fine setting 0.12. Simply superglue together and in place on your panel. Added a combination wheel brake to prevent the other combination wheels turning when rotating aother wheel. This replaces 1 of the 4 part no 7s.



