Cards Against Humanity Card Box for multi color printing (unofficial)

Cards Against Humanity Card Box for multi color printing (unofficial)


My take on a Cards Against Humanity card box. I basically measured an official box and re-created it digitally. I designed it like this because I want to print them in multiple prints, with different filaments, and then glue the Outer and Inner parts together. It's called the "Golden Mix" just because I have some golden PLA I want to use for this. Feel free to edit that in TinkerCad to add your own names. (Note: The official CAH font is HelveticaNeue, so that's what I used, if you want to match it.) Edit: After printing, the "Golden Mix" text size is a bit too small, and the rods holding the letters together could be thinner, but overall, everything worked as intended. For a complete box, you will need: - Cards Against Humanity_Lower.stl - Cards Against Humanity_Inner.stl - Cards Against Humanity_Name Color.stl - Cards Against Humanity_Outer.stl - Glue For those who don't want to add names to their packs, I have also added a version with the "Golden Mix" text removed, and a full inner part: - Cards Against Humanity_Lower.stl - Cards Against Humanity_Inner_Full.stl - Cards Against Humanity_Outer_No Name.stl Enjoy!







3D Printing