V-Core 3.1 Decoupled AWD/Quad Motor Mod
BOM: 1x 400/500/600/700mm long 3030 aluminum extrusion (for V-Core 200/300/400/500mm) 2x cast 90 degree corner brackets for 3030 Slightly longer timing belts 14x M6x12mm cap head bolts 16x M6x10mm button head bolts (8 of them are optional) 30x 3030 M6 T-nuts (8 of them are optional) 16x M3x8mm bolts 8x M3x4mm diameter heat set threaded inserts 16x generic self tapping PC fan screws 8x 625ZZ Bearing 4x 60mm long 5mm diameter steel rods 4x 5mm to 5mm solid shaft couplers 2x extra NEMA 17 stepper motors 2x extra 2GT 20 tooth 9mm belt 5mm bore drive pulleys 4x stepper motor dampeners (optional) 4x 40mmx40mm heatsinks with adhesive (optional) 4x 40mm axial fans (optional) Parts printing instructions: Rear XY motor cages top and bottom: same as 3.1 equivalent parts, no support needed. XY joiners: same as 3.1 equivalent parts, no support needed. Front XY motor cages: use a stiff material, preferably PC-CF or PETG-CF, avoid nylon as creep might be a concern. Support not required but can be used depending on your bridging capabilities. Rear XY motor plates: preferably metal, but you can also print with a stiff material, preferably PC-CF or PETG-CF, avoid nylon as creep might be a concern. Supports on build plate required for bearing cavity XY joiner plates: print a dummy part and use it as a drilling jig to drill an extra hole on each stock 3.1 plates. I found that printed parts with PC-CF were still not stiff enough. All XY motor mounts: use a stiff material, preferably PC-CF or PETG-CF, avoid nylon as creep might be a concern. Supports on build plate required. All XY motor fan mounts: material of your choice, no support needed. Frame corner bracket pads: print 2x, user any material of your choice but not prone to creep, no support needed. AWD EVA belt tensioners: print 2x, same as EVA equivalent parts, no support needed. Y endstop mount: same as 3.1 equivalent parts, no support needed. Assembly instructions: 1. Prepare the printed parts. Remove any sacrificial layers and nut pull the rear XY motor cage tops. 2. Insert 4 M3 heat set threaded inserts into each rear XY motor plates. The bearing should appear on top in this process. 3. Press the 625ZZ bearings into the rear XY motor cage tops and the rear XY motor plates, one in each. Check if the bearings spin smoothly. 4. Press the 625ZZ bearings into the front XY motor cages, two in each. Check if the bearings spin smoothly. 5. Disassemble the V-Core 3.1 XY components. You can leave the linear rails and EVA intact. 6. Frame modification required. Move front top extrusion and the two corner plates downwards at least 200mm. Do not tighten yet. 7. Add the new 400/500/600/700mm extrusion on top of the front two vertical extrusions. 8. Install the front XY motor cages, they should connect the extra extrusion with the two front vertical extrusions. Ensure the frame is square and tighten with 10 (5 for each) M6x12 cap head bolts and 3030 M3 T-nuts. Do not overtighten to avoid damage to printed parts. 9. Install the two cast 90 degree corner brackets for 3030, it should connect the top side of the Y extrusions to the rear side of the new extra extrusion. Sandwich the frame corner bracket pads in between the extra extrusion and the corner brackets. Tighten the side on the extra extrusion first, then the side on the Y extrusions. 10. Install the rear XY motor plates, the bearing should appear on top. You do not need to use the xy_motor_supports parts. Do not overtighten to avoid damage to printed parts. 11. Insert the M5x40 bolts from bottom to top into the rear XY motor plates. Use some tape to temporarily hold them in place. 12. Put the rear XY motor cage bottoms onto the rear XY motor plates, the M5 bolts should go through them. 13. Insert the bearing stacks. There are two stacks for each rear XY motor cage, stacking order should all be mini shim - F695ZZ - 695ZZ - F695ZZ - mini shim, simply drop them into the M5 bolts one by one. 14. Insert the rear left drive pulley into the 5mmx60mm rod upside down. The top of the pulley to the top of the rod should be measuring 17mm. Once the position of the pulley is correct, tighten the grub screws. 15. Insert the rear right drive pulley into another 5mmx60mm rod in normal upright orientation. The top of the pulley to the top of the rod should be measuring 10mm. Once the position of the pulley is correct, tighten the grub screws. 16. Insert the rear left rod and pulley into the rear left motor plate bearing, then insert the rear right rod and pulley into the rear right motor plate bearing. 17. Route the lower timing belt into the rear left motor cage, the toothed side should face the left drive pulley, and the smooth side should face the left lower bearing stack. Then route the lower belt into the rear right motor cage, with the toothed side wrapped around the right lower bearing stack. Ensure that the lower belt is not twisted between the rear left and rear right motor cages. 18. Route the upper timing belt into the rear left motor cage, with the toothed side wrapped around the left upper bearing stack. Then route the upper belt into the rear right motor cage, with the smooth side around the right upper bearing stack and the toothed side around the right drive pulley. Ensure that the upper belt is not twisted between the rear left and rear right motor cages. 19. Install the rear left and right motor cage tops. Gently tighten all the M5x40mm bolts first, without overtightening to avoid compression of the bearings, then tighten all the m3x35mm bolts, and all the countersink M6 bolts at last. Do not overtighten to avoid damage to the printed parts. 20. Insert M6x10mm button head screws into each motor mounts and put on the 3030 M6 T-nuts, do not tighten them yet. 21. Install each NEMA 17 stepper motors onto each motor mounts using M3x8mm bolts, and be aware of the facing of the connectors. Stepper motor dampeners are optional. Do not overtighten to avoid damage of the printed parts. 22. Install the solid 5mm shaft couplers onto each motor shaft, the shaft should go in halfway, then tighten the grub screws. 23. Mount the rear left motor to the frame, and insert the 5mmx60mm rod into the coupler. Before tightening, adjust the position of the motor up and down so that the top of the rod is flush with the top of the motor cage. Then tighten the M6 bolts and the grub screws. Do not overtighten the motor mount to avoid damage to the printed parts. 24. Repeat the same step to the rear right motor mount. 25. Use the printed dummy XY joiner plates as a drilling jig to drill an extra hole on the stock 3.1 XY joiner plates with a 5.5mm drill bit. Do not forget to use a center punch to mark the hole center before drilling. 26. Install the XY joiners. Insert each of the M5x55mm bolt through the XY joiners, the bearing stacks, then the drilled XY joiner plates, and finally through the M5 hex locking nuts. The bearing stacks are in the exact same order as the 3.1 bearing stacks. Do not overtighten to avoid compressing the bearings. 27. Install the XY joiners onto each side of the X gantry, same way as the 3.1 assembly. 28. Install the X gantry assembly onto the Y linear rail carriages, same way as the 3.1 assembly. 29. Route the left lower belt through the rear side bearing stack of the left XY joiner, and route the right higher belt through the rear side bearing stack of the right XY joiner. 30. Insert the belts into the AWD EVA belt tensioners, be mindful of the orientation. 31. Install the belt tensioners into the EVA backplate. 32. Put the front left drive pulley into the front left motor cage in normal upright orientation, and insert the 5mmx60mm rod through the top bearing, pulley and then the lower bearing. Route the left belt around the drive pulley with teeth facing the pulley, ensure belt is not twisted between the front left and rear left motor cages. Do not tighten the grub screws yet. 33. Repeat this step to the front right motor cage, but with the drive pulley upside down. 34. Mount the front left motor to the frame, and insert the 5mmx60mm rod into the coupler. Before tightening, adjust the position of the motor up and down so that the top of the rod is flush with the top of the motor cage. Then tighten the M6 bolts and the grub screws. Do not overtighten the motor mount to avoid damage to the printed parts. 35. Repeat the same step to the front right motor mount. 36. Route the remains of the belts around the front side bearing stacks of the XY joiners on each side, ensure the belts are not twisted and then clamp down the belts with the EVA belt grabbers. 37. Use the exposed sides of the front motor cages to observe the drive pulleys, align them to the correct height relative to the other bearings, then tighten the grub screws. 38. Tension the belts by tightening the M5 bolts on the EVA back plate. Use instructions from the 3.1 build guide. 39. [optional] Stick 40mm heatsinks onto each XY motor. 40. [optional] Install M6x10mm button head bolts onto each motor fan mounts, and 3030 M6 T-nuts onto the bolts, do not tighten them yet. 41. [optional] Install each 40mm axial fan onto each motor fan mounts using PC fan screws. Do not overtighten them to avoid damaging the printed parts 42. [optional] Install each motor fan mounts to their corresponding location below the motor heatsinks. Leave a small gap between the fan mount and the heatsink. Do not overtighten the fan mounts to avoid damaging the printed parts. 43. Wiring the motors. You can choose to wire them with independent drivers or two in parallel, but keep in mind that the diagonal motors are driven together. The rear XY motors are wired in opposite to stock 3.1 XY motors. 44. Before driving the motors, run this command. STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_x STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_y STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_x1 STEPPER_BUZZ STEPPER=stepper_y1 You should see the motor shafts turning back and forth smoothly. If you get a Klipper error, or any motors are skipping steps, then you have wired them wrong. 45. Attempt homing. Add or remove the ! on your motor DIR pin to correct wrong movement directions. If one axis moves in correct direction but the other axis is not, swap your A/B motors.