Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus firmware marlin 2.1.1 bug-fix by Spock

Anycubic Kossel Linear Plus firmware marlin 2.1.1 bug-fix by Spock


hi! Here is the Marlin 2.1.1 bug-fix by Spock! (me.. loll) I've build one because, it's impossible to find one who works correctly. The firmware is in french, V2 probe and for A4988 or TMC2208 steppers drivers. Just invert the steppers rotation for A4988 drivers. the z probe offset is easier to adjust, just change it on the screen of the printer or with the M851 Gcode command or in the configuration.h file. The V2 probe can be modify in the beginning of the configuration.h file. The language is in the lcd section just find "lcd language" words to modify. For finish, this is the same firmware I've in my Kossel linear plus, no changes, it works very well and i've tested all functions a lot of times, all works good, no problems. Just don't forget to initialize eeprom after flash or send M502 command and after M500 it's very important! Firmware==>>!AiTJtG8komqmh6M2zaWx2m9jmIgudw?e=57DdxF More of me?------> "ENJOY!!"







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