Mini Trunking 20mm x 10mm for CR30 Belt Printer
Description If you require long lengths of Mini Trunking for your projects, this 20mm x 10mm Mini trunking can be printed on the Creality CR30 Belt printer, Although the model is 3.1 Mtrs long you can extend this by changing the Y axis. Prints fine with PLA. Note I start the print at 60c bed temp then reduce to 30c for the rest of the print. Both parts Lid and Base are printed in Vase mode. Install the lid with the printed base upwards, this will have a better finish. Base - 5 hrs per mtr in Length, and the printer consumes 0.33kW per mtr. Lid - 2hrs 20 mins per mtr in Length, and Printer consumes 0.17kW per mtr Total Energy for 1 mtr of complete Lid and Base - 0.5kW Happy Printing