FPV Micro Camera Case

FPV Micro Camera Case


Slovenian below --- This is a 3d printed case for a micro fpv camera. It makes it easier for mounting to rc toys. I got this micro camera for my birthday but I didn't know how to mount it on my drones and rc stuff. I also didn't find any good 3d models on here so I decided to design my own case for it. This is the camera I have: https://www.ebay.com/itm/AKK-A3-AIO-Micro-FPV-Cam-with-5-8GHz-40CH-0-25mW-50mW-200mW-Switchable-VTX-fo/172881083138 The case is made from two parts (left and right one) so it can be easily put on and it doesn't need supports to 3d print it. The case is slightly too big so it doesn't damage the camera. I put a small rubber square from a pen grip thingy in the left side piece and the camera fitted nicely. There are holes on each side for zip ties to lock the camera in when you're happy with the case (you can't press the tiny button after assembly). I hope this thing is usefull to you. If it is, please post a make :) --- Slovenian To je moj 3d natisnjen ovitek za micro fpv kamero. Z njim je kamera lažje namestljiva na rc igrače. Za moj rojstni dan sem dobil to micro fpv kamero a nisem vedel kako bi jo namestil na moje drone in rc vozila. Tudi tukaj nisem našel nobenih dobrih 3d modelov, zato sem se odločil narediti svojega. To je moja kamera: https://www.ebay.com/itm/AKK-A3-AIO-Micro-FPV-Cam-with-5-8GHz-40CH-0-25mW-50mW-200mW-Switchable-VTX-fo/172881083138 Ovitek je narejen iz dveh delov (levega in desnega), zato ga je enostavno namestiti in ne potrebuje supportov za tiskanje. Ovitek je malo prevelik, da ne poškoduje kamere. V levi del sem dodal majhen košček gume z dela kemičnega svinčnika. Na vsaki strani ovitka so luknje za vezice, da lahko na koncu zapreš ovitek (potem več ni možno pritisniti malega gumba). Upam da je ta stvarca uporabna :)







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