Filament Spool Shelf system - V2

Filament Spool Shelf system - V2


Model has been moved to ****: - This is a second iteration on my original design. I designed this simple reversible bracket system to manage my spool addiction (see pictures). - It uses a **20mm or 18mm diameter wood rod**, so it's fairly modular in terms of width, cut to desired size. For 18mm wood rod use the adaptor 18 to 20. - The system is now **stackable !!!** No guess work or measurement required, just install the next row of spool below the previous one (see picture). - Brackets can be **installed up or down**, or any combination of the two as long as they are aligned. - Backet is design so the **wood rod can slide through**. allowing for very wide shelf yet well supported, i.e. with as many bracket as desired per rod. - Once happy with the size, bracket has holes for small **screw to hold the two rods** in place, making the rack sturdy. Nothing will move ! - I added some rod cap for even better flexibility of the system. Hope it helps !





