Hour meter mount
Looking around for hourmeters to keep track of maintenance I came across this analog one on Aliexpress (same on Amazon), but didn't have a way to mount it, so I made some mounts to share with you guys. These all mount to the stock extrusions of the Ender 3 pro and any other 4040 or 2020 extrusion. The 2020 version mounts onto the top extrusion sideways. Both 4040 versions mount lenghtwise into the extrusions, clearing the bed both horizontally and vertically. If screws didn't get included with the meter, you'd only need 2 M3x16 (or20) screws to mount the meter to the holder, while the meter just slides into the V-slots (tight fit, remember to remove burrs. The back end has 2 holes the pins (when bent back) can slide through Printing supports not needed except for the 2020 version Hour meter links: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005001597023332.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.21ef79d2Lqlyru&gatewayAdapt=glo2nld https://a.co/d/hr1dtkg