VR Gunstock For Quest 2 (Sanlaki remix) Hardware Store Pipes Compatible (With STEP/f3d Files!)
<h3>Can only be downloaded at Printables!</h3> https://www.printables.com/model/272029-vr-gunstock-for-quest-2-sanlaki-remix-hardware-sto A Complete Recreation of the Sanlaki VR Gunstock, now with STEP / f3d Files Included and Better Controller Mounts! Update v1.1: 17.9.22 Added two more spacers to my design, one for the coupler and one for the controller mounts. Made the controller mount spacers because i noticed it wore out and had a 0.8mm wiggle room. As with the other spacers, resize them in your slicer till they fit just perfect. if you Have any Problems Contact me on Discord: StriK3FoRC3#9233 You can also Join my Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Fhm6XFVCZN [Donate if you want, need more Filament for other Projects/Prototypes ;)](https://www.paypal.me/StriK3FoRC3Creator)