Darrieus Ugrinksy Hybrid Helical Wind Turbine
A helical Darrieus/Ugrinsky hybrid wind turbine. The Darrieus turbine uses lift and is efficient at higher wind speeds. The Ugrinsky turbine uses drag and works at low wind speed. Normally Darrieus turbines need a starting mechanism to begin working, but the Ugrinsky can serve that purpose when they are combined. The helical shape allows the turbine to experience more uniform torque through its entire rotation, which can reduce vibrations and the stress on parts and avoid any "dead" angles where the turbine fails to start because of how it is oriented relative to the wind. The Darrieus uses four s1046 airfoils. I have included the OpenSCAD files for easy customization/remixing. So far I have only printed a small test model, I will try a larger one and update with what I find.