Low-Poly Pokemons - A Door Knob Collection
Model has been moved to **Printables.com**: - https://www.printables.com/model/251353 Wanted some pokemon door knob for the kids room drawers. It didn't exist, now it does. Some of them could definitely be used as hooks too ! **How to print:** - Print with bottom/face of the knob facing down, that is the the only way to insert the M5 nut mid-print. (See gcode) - A minimum of **3 perimeters** if you are going to use it as a knob. Mine are in the kid's bedroom, I went for 5 perimeters. - **Add color swap** or pause just before the M5 inner chamber start to close. See pictures and/or gcodes. - During print, when the color swap happens, **drop the M5 in its chamber**. See picture. Make sure it is all the way down and can be touch by the nozzle. - Unfortunately support are required for almost all knobs. I tried various workflows but here is the one that was the fastest and provided OK-ish results: use the paint support tool to **highlight all face with overhang superior @45°** then, **enforce only the critical one with the smartfill selector**, one by one. There might be a better way of doing it, when I use the automatic tool the M5 chamber got filled with support. **Edit 30/08/2022**: I made some card holder to display the card on the side of the knob. My kid like it! (see picture) : https://www.printables.com/model/268683