Automatic Fish Feeder De Luxe

Automatic Fish Feeder De Luxe


## App-controlled programmable automatic fish feeder A remix of "Automatic Fish Feeder" by coberdas The feeder is controlled through an Android app which allows you to program up to 18 feedings per day. For each feeding you can select how much food the feeder dispenses. The amount of food is adjusted by adjusting how long the servo motor runs, this can be set in increments of 0.1 seconds up to a maximum of 25.5 seconds. The amount of food that is dispensed will depend on what servo you use, the value of R1, and what sort of food you use. With the Feetech FS5106R servo, a 2 Ω resistor, and JBL Novo GranoMix the system will dispense approximately 0.9 g/s. The system is designed for granulated food. Flakes might work, but their low density and large surface area tend to get them stuck in the throat of the hopper. I tested using JBL Novo Red, and the amount of food dispensed per activation varied widely. ## Improvements: * Auger is printed in two parts, so it can be printed without supports. It also prints slightly quicker end the end result is smoother and stronger. * Hopper has rounded corners for improved aesthetics. * Hopper has a window of thinner material so you can more easily see how much fish food is left if you print the hopper using clear plastic. * Base of hopper has been smoothed to eliminate overhangs, so it prints without supports. * Hopper lid has a lip to make it easier to open. * Connection between auger and servo has been improved to accept a wider range of servos, reducing stress due to unavoidable axis misalignment, and make assembly easier. * Servo mount can accommodate standard-sized servos. * Servo mount can accommodate full-size two-prong servo horns. * Servo mount has added lip to reduce torque stress on the auger assembly. * Wider base for added stability. * Arduino housing is mounted on base instead of hopper, improving stability. * Arduino housing clips onto base, no glue needed if you have your printer dialed in right. * Open source software and firmware included. * Uses battery-backed Real-Time Clock (RTC) module for accurate feeding schedule. * WiFi-connected so you can control the feeder via an Android app. * RTC is regularly synced to Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to compensate clock drift. * Up to 18 feeding times per day, feeding amount adjustable in 0.1 second increments. ## Parts list: * Arduino Nano 33 IoT * Tiny RTC DS1307-based module * Feetech FS5106R continuous rotation servo * Push-button, normally open, that fits a 7 mm hole. * Micro-USB cable for programming the Arduino. * USB power supply. The power supply needs to be beefy enough to run the servo, at least 2 A is recommended. * 2 Ω resistor. You can make one by soldering 5x10 Ω resistors in parallel. If your power supply is very powerful or you have a smaller servo, this can be omitted. * 470 μF electrolytic capacitor. * Thin, insulated wires to connect the components. ## Alternate parts: * You can substitute almost any Arduino-compatible RTC module with an I2C interface for the Tiny RTC, but you might have to modify the enclosure to make it fit. * Almost any servo will do, it does not take much torque to turn the auger. If you use a smaller servo than the Feetech FS5106R, you can possibly ditch R1 and even C1 from the circuit, which would make assembly easier. * As an alternative to the Arduino Nano 33 IoT another WiFi-capable microcontroller could be used, for example a Raspberry Pi Pico W. This would be cheaper, but the firmware would need to be adapted, and the enclosure would need to be changed to fit the larger circuit board. ## Prerequisites: You should have a basic understanding of how to edit and upload code to an Arduino board, as well as the skills and equipment needed to solder wires to circuit boards. ## Firmware for the Arduino, includes wiring diagram: ## Compatible Android app source code: ## Assembly instructions: * Print the two halves of the auger at 0.1 mm resolution and glue them together. Take care to align the halves properly. * Print the rest of the parts at 0.2 mm resolution. If possible, choose a clear filament for the hopper. * Assemble the parts. Use a piece of 1.75 mm filament as a hinge. * Bridge the two pads on the Arduino Nano to bring power to the +5 V pin. * Solder the Arduino, R1, C1, the push button, and the RTC in accordance with the wiring diagram in the firmware repository. * Download the firmware repository. * Create a file named wifi_secrets.h in the firmware directory, add your wifi SSID and password to it. * Comment in the lines to reset the RTC memory to the setup() function and upload the firmware to the Arduino. * After the firmware completes setup, comment out the lines and re-upload the firmware. * Download the Android app. It should auto-detect the feeder immediately as long as they are connected to the same WiFi network.






