1P Z mod for Rat Rig V-Core 3

1P Z mod for Rat Rig V-Core 3


This mod allows you to implement the 1P Z motion system onto a Rat Rig V-Core 3 printer. Please do not attempt this mod if you do not have the ability to machine the Dual Axis V-Pivot Crossaxle from stainless steel or aluminium. While other mods, such as de-couplers in the bed arms greatly reduce lead screw artifacts in the prints, the 1P Z design makes it completely impossible to get lead screw induced artifacts in prints. As a bonus it also reduces other Z artifacts. It has only been tested on the smaller V-Core 3 300. I have the prototype up and running on my V-Core 3 and it works extremely well. It meets all of the design objectives, enabling Z tilt bed levelling with zero leadscrew artifacts. The current version uses two linear rods for the rear bed arm mounted to a 3090 extrusion (which is clearly not best engineering practice). Getting these linear rails perfectly aligned is not easy and you may need to mill the surface of the 3090 extrusion that the dual linear rails mount to perfectly flat. If the linear rails are not perfectly aligned you will get binding. Despite this challenge I have mine setup nicely and working well. I may release another version later using dual round linear shafts and LMU bearings (which is best engineering practice when using one screw and two linear guides) to avoid this issue. The Bed V-Block has been printed from ePAHT-CF and annealed post printing. This material should prove durable for long term use at 150C. I will machine a Bed V-Block from alloy at a later date to see if there are any advantages to it. However testing over a the last couple of months with a ePAHT-CF one makes me think the ePAHT-CF may be more than good enough. ePAHT also has the advantage that it provides some extra heat insulation, which stops heat conducting away from the bed to the Dual Axis V-Pivot crossaxle and rear bed arm. The bed needs to be been drilled and taped to mount the Bed V-Pivot The Dual Axis V-Pivot crossaxle has been machined from stainless steel. The prototype bed arm is currently printed in PETG-CF but subsequent versions may be milled from alloy. <b>BOM for fitment to a Rat Rig V-Core 3</b> 1 x 420 mm long 3090 extrusion. 1 x extra linear rail for the rear Z motion system (same length and spec as the one used on the original Rat Rig V-Core 3 1 x stainless steel Dual Axis V-Pivot crossaxle. 3 x VenterMech star drives (STL files for these will be free) 2 x counter sunk 6 mm screws to mount the Bed V-Block to the bed 2 x bed isolators to sit under the bed balls fin the front arms. (I am currently testing two options for these. But cost will be no more than $5 each from Aliexpress or similar. For more information on the 1P Z motion system and it's license please see: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5442000 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5475498 https://www.facebook.com/groups/3dprinterdesign/announcements







3D Printers