Door Frame Hangar Hook (mobile)
You are ironing, you use the top of the door frame to hang clothes from, they twist and fall off. Yep, been there! This thing is a mobile door frame hangar hook. It can comfortably take 6 coat hangars. It is made from PETG. Print it on 60% hex in-fill with a zero-infill angle and it will be earthquake proof. The hangar is designed to have a centre of gravity inside the frame, but outside the grab claws, so the more you load it, the more it pulls itself onto/into the frame. There are three claws on the top to grab the gap between the central fame and the facing/mouldings (all door frames will have a small gap/weakness here that you can exploit). Provided your door frames has flats no more than 70mm before any decorative rebate then this frame hook will fit it (see in use pic). It will accommodate facings/mouldings up to 20mm thick.