Vortex Nozzle for Sculpfun S9 air assist upgrade
This is a air assist nozzle that fits on Sculpfun S9 5.5W laser module. Compatible with some older S6 modules, you just have to check if the laser nozzle contains the plastic protection and the metal cone inside. It requires a 7mm O-Ring to seal the nozzle air chamber on the Laser lense support (perhaps it also works without that). The OR housing is a little too small, update coming as soon as I can. The inner plates are shaped to create a small air vortex with the air coming from the fan through the aluminum body of the module. That helps a lot for keeping the cut or the engraving really clean. Efficiency of the module with air assist and this module: about 30% (not bad at all!) To be printed in resin. If you want to see how it works check the related Youtube video, and if you like it, consider subscribing to my channel ;) The pump I use: https://www.amazon.it/Acquaforte-pompa-pistone-compressore-Hailea/dp/B00BNSQ16K?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=1R867EKEA0DY0&keywords=haileo+318&qid=1663607488&sprefix=haileo+318,aps,98&sr=8-1&linkCode=sl1&tag=67lab-21&linkId=d39917f17ce12917bba00f18d4ae5afe&language=it_IT&ref_=as_li_ss_tl