BK 120mm Bed Cooling Fan

BK 120mm Bed Cooling Fan


Hate waiting for prints to cool down before you can remove them? Too lazy to pop the entire bed of to flex it to avoid disturbing the bed tramming gods like I am? Then this is for you... This is a mount for a 120mm PC case fan that houses a 5-24V boost converter (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08R5LMQH1?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1). This allows you dial in voltage/fan speed of your cooling fan to achieve the perfect amount of bed cooling. The micro USB port is accessible via the front of the fan mount and is intended to be used with this switch (https://www.amazon.com/Onite-Micro-Female-raspberry-Switch/dp/B07FCJ7GJZ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=J6HZ01OG6MIN&keywords=micro+usb+power+switch&qid=1663797295&s=electronics&sprefix=micro+usb+power+switch%2Celectronics%2C94&sr=1-4) or others like it to avoid wearing out the micro USB port and enable easier operation on/off. I intend to design a version that uses a USB relay to allow automatic on/off operation from OctoPrint, but have not yet found a good realy solution that I like. So, for now, this works. The cleat enables the entire fan assembly to be removed easily as all of the wires are contained within the mount. This enables you to swap the fan between machines if desired or just remove it cleanly whenever you would like. I have included my wire management/hiding bracket, but it will likely only fit the fan I am using. So, wire management will be a bit up to you to implement, but there is quite a bit of room in the fan mount to stuff/hide wires. I ended up using a PC fan connector to avoid chopping the fan wires and retain the stock functionality of the fan I am using. However, for the cleanest install cut the connectors off and solder the + & - fan wires directly to the boost converter. The slot covers are not entirely necessary, but will help keep the mounting point from moving within the rails. If you choose to print this... Enjoy faster bed cooldown times and please let me know how it works for you or if you have any questions.



