G1 Optimus Prime Trailer Door Hinge part

G1 Optimus Prime Trailer Door Hinge part


As a Transformers Collector, I get a lot of incomplete figures. I find some parts are extremely difficult to find or are easily broken. Here is one solution. This is a repair for a broken trailer door hinge, on a G1 Optimus Prime or similar reissue. Some additional modification to the trailer base may be necessary to allow the replacement. Right side hinge, print directly. For a Left side hinge, mirror in slicer of your choice. Print may vary, but when I printed it, it was a near perfect fit. It was snug enough to hold the door on just by sliding it onto the end of the pin. I very carefully glued it to the base while on the pin to keep it aligned. Too much glue will result in... undesired results.



