Thrust Vectoring Mechanism for Eflite F-15
Perform at own risk, highly recommend learning to fly completely w/o "safe" mode before attempting. You will need 1mm wire, a custom length pushrod, and an HS-65mg servo to complete. Total servo lead length is 24". Route the lead along the ESC and make sure to secure it with a zip-tie or tape. The fan may ingest it otherwise. I do NOT recommend using a spektrum brand servo, as I managed to break two of them at full deflection. Requires minor cutting/trimming to the fuselage. Zap-o xtra was my glue of choice for assembly. I assigned channel 6 or AUX 1 to control the TV. Pay close attention to the trim and travel settings, damage may result if you overtravel the assembly. Feel free to modify and share with others. This is the first version so it certainly isn't perfect. I'll be adding another version in the future with separate servos for each nozzle.