Delta Corner Frame Extenders

Delta Corner Frame Extenders


The Corner extenders make it possible to increase the printable area of a delta, by adding 55mm in length to each corner of the frame. Using a previous interation and then these, I was able to increase the printable area of an Anycubic Kossel Linear from 180mm to 240. These extenders are small enough to print on the Kossel Linear and the FLSUN Q5, and printers with similar size limitations. They have been designed with additional openings to make it easier to build and wire. Of course, the change in frame width means updating the printer firmware to accomodate the new dimensions. I also had to purchase longer push rods for the effector to take advantage of the larger bed. The original rods were 218mm from joint pivot end to end. The new rods are 318mm. This resulted in the loss of approximately 65mm in print height, which I never used. So, I went from 300mm in print height to 235mm. I went with longer rods than necessary to make it possible for the effector to use the entire printbed. The final upgrade will included an update to the SKR v1.4 Turbo, with TMC2209 drivers, and Marlin 2.1.1. Best to start configuration tweaks using their delta example, as the default download does not contain proper defaults for a delta.



