Toys for boys-river/hatch covers for barge- OpenSCAD CSV

Toys for boys-river/hatch covers for barge- OpenSCAD CSV


Toys for boys. Old boys use computers, small boys need other toys. Now abandoned thing - hatch covers. They are important when cargo is sensitive to weather conditions- rain, snow We have - pontoon hatch covers, stackable, operated by small gantry crane on rails - simple, but not often used type, due to long time needed to open or close hatches - side rolling hatch covers, mostly used on panamax type vessels. Hatch breadth= 2*cover breadth= 50% hull breadth. Here is type of rolling covers used on barges, but not on vessels. In most cases are operated by men power - pulling or pushing, sometimes are pulled by wires. Maximum hold opening about 60%. Topside can be flat or cruved, from plain or corrugated steel sheet. Wheels here are only marked- in small scale will be hard to print. Cover stoppers here are wide, right for printing - in reality are metal flat or angle bars abt 10mm thick. Segment_1 is guided inside hatch- in reality has wheels outside, like other segments. Code included Coded in Template Shapes_Text // presentation of shapes and transformations in csv mode (OpenSCAD CSV)







Toys & Games