Focusing Tube model for my Celestron Travelscope 70mm

Focusing Tube model for my Celestron Travelscope 70mm


Focusing tube I made to replace the one on my celestron travelscope 70mm. The original tube is made of plastic as well, and the gear rack got stripped rather quickly. This model was made by measuring the original, taking pictures of gears and measuring angles.. learning a lot from Antalz on youtube: This was my first project on Fusion 360 Personal Edition Sliced with Cura 5.1.0 Important: In cura, y dimension should be 40mm not 38.884 if it is. (disable snap and uniform scaling) If y is 38.884 you can just make x and y scale 102.87% and that will make it the proper size. Also enable "make overhang printable" in experimental settings helps with the inner divider ring. Printing from bottom up with the threads on top seems to work well for me on my Ender 3 Pro. Will post more info when print finishes. I have tested other prototypes and know the threads work. I just need to test the gear rack helix angle.







3D Printing