Modular Printer Legs - 4040 Extrusion

Modular Printer Legs - 4040 Extrusion


These are modular feet designed to slide into 4040 V extrusions and be secured with M5 machine screws They are modular so the user is able to change the foot to a different version to suit his or her needs. Made beefy to be able to stand heavy heights, support weight while the printer is directly tilted on them, and also allows the user to slide other accessories into the extrusion with the use of the v slot groves. **ENDER 3V2 with its power supply mounted on the bottom requires the use of the Back Right and Back Left variations which account for the space required to mount the feet so they don't interfere with the power supply or its mounting hardware. More versions are on the way. For now all the documentation can be found on my grabcad



