Display case for WS2812B 8x32 LED matrix
I bought a couple of WS2812B LED 8x32 matrix panels and made a display case for them. This case was just a bit too big to fit onto my printer bed, so I cut everything in half. I used black to print the bases and covers with a resolution of .2mm and 25% infill. I used white to print the diffuser panels with a resolution of .1mm and 100% infill. To assemble: I super glued the two cover grids together and then laid the panel onto it. Because the panel is so thin, I thought it best to sandwich it between the base and cover. That creates a gap between them, but it didn't bother me. I used hot glue on one half of the back and pressed the first base into place. Be swift with this step because the hot glue does not stay hot for long! The next half I put super glue on the connecting end of the remaining base and then repeated the hot gluing step to put it in place. I used super glue to put the two diffuser halves on. I did not create a hole in the base to bring out the wiring because I intend to add rubber feet to the back, which will create a gap for me. But I also included the 3ds Max file if you want to make alterations or improvements (3ds Max version 2023) I included a Excel file with a numbered grid to make it easier to make custom LED designs, if that is your thing. Happy coding!