IKEA Underverk (new version) fix for broken range hood knob's interior plastic

IKEA Underverk (new version) fix for broken range hood knob's interior plastic


Like many's, my IKEA Underverk's range hood knob had its inner plastic broken after 3 years of normal use. A new knob costs a little over 50€, which is so outrageous that the lady at the warehouse's phone was as frustrated as me and recommended I try literally anything else before purchasing that replacement. There are a handful of fixes for this specific problem on here already, but my knob's interior looked a little different than theirs - if I was having a bad day, I'd say that IKEA's only reason for this change is to make it harder to 3d-print replacements. Anyway, the changes aren't super hard to implement in a 3d model, so I used av500's design and enlarged it and cut out the two sideways plastic bars my knob has which his doesn't. The end result isn't flush - if anyone feels like optimizing this, go ahead and do so! It suffices for my purposes, and I didn't bother to glue this either; the tension of the plastic does a good enough job at holding everything together. If this doesn't hold I can still glue it later. The two caviats with this fix are that a) the knob is now sticking out a little from the hood's surface, which I couldn't care less about, and b) pushing the knob in and out doesn't always work perfectly, especially right after pushing it in after having pulled the knob off of the hood completely. I adjusted this model's height so that it works as reliably as I could make it happen, but if someone finds a better height, please inform me and/or post a remix!



