Fully 3D Printed Game Boy Toy
See how I made this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vgztM4Fxi4 This is a fully 3D printable Nintendo Game Boy toy modeled after those old Burger King toys that involved a fake Game Boy with collectable cartridge toys you could swap out. I had the green one when I was a kid and have no idea what happened to it. I always wished those BK toys had transparent shells so you could see some fake circuitry underneath like real Game Boy Colors. So, I decided to make my own. This is not an easy print. I highly recommend using resin and printing with supports. If you're using FDM, this might work, but you won't get much detail on the circuitboard pieces and you obviously won't be able to make the shell transparent. Even though I printed all of this with resin, for some reason, I couldn't get the shell to print properly with transparent resin, so I don't know if it's just me or if it would happen on any resin printer. So I had to print the case in opaque resin and then use Oomoo 30 to make a mold of it, and then cast that mold with transparent 2-part resin. Additionally, I've included two cartridges which contain 3D screenshots of Game Boy games. I plan to start a new series for my YouTube channel where I'll occasionally create new carts and slide them into this toy. Next I'll probably do Link's Awakening, Kirby's Dreamland, and Mario Land II.