Portable HDD SSD case (snap fit)

Portable HDD SSD case (snap fit)


Snap fit HDD case, no tools/parts required. Made to fit the sata control board from a Seagate 5TB Expansion Portable HDD with type B micro connector. This design protects the crappy type b conenctor by huging the female end and being inset as to supprt the male end as well. The case will fit any 7mm thick drive and the top two peices can be remixed to suit your needs. Slide the top two pieces over the controller, slide the HDD into the case (HDD was snug but SSD's slid in easily). Then connect the two. Print settings (Cura): Walls x 2 Top/Bottom x 3 .2mm layer height .4mm width 205c print 60c bed 60mm/s Coasting enabled Flow 94% (gives me accurate measurements without any signs of under extrusion) Coasting Volume 0.032 (helps remove the seem) Fan 0% first layer to 100% at layer 5 No brim or skirt needed






