Creality Sermoon D1 Extruder Ducting

Creality Sermoon D1 Extruder Ducting


The Sermoon D1 is a good machine with some design flaws. This addresses one of them. The carriage gets excessively hot if you don't have parts cooling on. I recommend having parts cooling on always at 15%-20% or above OR moving the top fan to the same rail/circuit in parallel to the bottom heat brake fan. These ducts help the carriage/heatsink/heat break stay much cooler by directing half of the air that just blows in random directions onto where they need to go and away from where it shouldn't.. like directly cooling the heating block on the only side of the silicone that's exposed. You will have to scrap the metal cage, but you could also shorten the top fan duct about 2mm and that might fit but also just blow hot air around inside the cage. Although i really don't think it's needed and i immediately cut it off when i got the machine. Wires are held in place with two zip ties to the extruder tension arm. I'm currently running both ducts made with standard PLA printed at 220c, the bottom/main heat brake duct doesn't seem to experience any deformation from being a few mm from the heater block as it's only about 3mm from it. It's also being actively cooled by the fan ;-) With that said, it might deform if you turn the printer off immediately after a print is finished or power loss.



