Hydrofoil Sail Toy

Hydrofoil Sail Toy


<h1>Testing-in-Progress Check Back Soon!</h1> I've printed this, hoping to test it out on the water soon. Kitchen-sink testing showed some promise. <h1>Hydrofoil Sailer Toy</h1> Designed to sail downwind hydrofoiling in winds 15-35km/hr (medium-to-strong winds for model boat). There's a lot of dynamic forces at play here to balance, so I don't know at this point how stable it will be. My hope is to test it in winds about 20 km/hr, hoping to achieve a "lift-off" speed of at least 15 km/hr quickly, where I hope it will begin to skim at close to the wind speed. First test will be with the "short mast" and triangular sail of my Bluenose boat model. Looking at the design, it might work in powder snow as well.



