Nanight Diffusor

Nanight Diffusor


When youre on a Scuba Dive, you want a bright light with a narrow beam for orientation and communication. But if you are about to take pictures or videos, you want more like a flood light. So you need to carry two light sources with you, if you have no dive light with adjustable beam. I do not, but I have a super bright light from the swedish based Company NaNight, which has a beam angle of about 10°. To use it also as a light source for filming, I designed a kind of Diffusor-Cap to put on the light. And to stow it away, I added a bungeecord-attachment. For the bungee attachment, you should use some flexible Filament; for the Diffusor himself, it doesnt really matter. Light should get through, and it should stray the light somehow; I printed both parts with transparent PU flexible Filament from Recreus (Filaflex 82A), but any other brand may work also. For the Bungeecord, I used a small piece with 3mm Diameter, a leftover from my dive Computer. To get it in the tunnel of the attachment Part was a little fiddly because of the sharp edge I designed, but with help of a short piece of stiff wire it worked.



