1/120 scale TTm 1000mm narrow gauge boxcar

1/120 scale TTm 1000mm narrow gauge boxcar


###General Information >I'm at the development of a 1/120 scale 1000m narrow gauge fire fighter train. The train was located in Wernigerrode Westerntor, Germany. > Part of this train was a boxcar as equipment car. The original boxcar was built in 1899. I don't know when the car was determined for this purpose. Our source is an article for H0<sub>m</sub>scale from 1988<sup>[1]</sup>. > I'm sure, we can use variants of the box car as regular boxcar from the 'good old days' I'll try to keep different version (open doors, without windows) to create a larger vehicle fleet) I will post updates here as soon, I have something to tell. ----- ###How to make (V08) * I recommend to select one type of sides and mirror for printing, they should be interchangeable. **We need for the fire fighter box car** * 1x front without seat * 1x front with seat * 2x single window side parts (one should be mirrored in Cura) * 1x floor (you decide with or without T-head couplings) * 1x roof with brake man seat * 2x wheel bearings * 2 T-head-coupling lock plate (if you use the floor with T-head couplings) * print in thin layers, 0.1mm was used in my tests, **We need for boxcars in general** * 2x front parts * 2x side parts (one could be mirrored) for fire fighter use the single window variant * 1x floor * 1x roof depending on the brake configuration with or without brake man seat * 2x wheel bearings (you can cut the bake shoes of if you have no brakes) * 2 T-head-coupling lock plate * print in thin layers, 0.1mm was used in my tests, **additional** * 2 sets of wheels normal 5,5mm N gauge * 2 couplings with T-head and springs, I used printed couplings from [wsvenny on cults3d](https://cults3d.com/de/modell-3d/spiel/n-scale-piko-coupler-and-knuckler-piko-reduction) * in case of windows a CD case or something else **Post printing** * If you want a variant without brakes - cut brakes and brake gearbox (at the floor plate). * check the axle holes results, sometimes you have to redrill them * try fit first, sand until it work, first layer are somehow difficult * I had to remove hanging filament from the insides of the roof, to fit the roof to the front * cut the gap at the side walls to fit front sides, I use a small V-shaped knife for linocut, because always a string of filament tries to escape there * grind the gaps in the floor to match the sides * the connection pimple on seat to the roof is a little bit too long - didn't got the reason why - but you have to remove half of it. * sand the roof smooth - fill and grind the steps * As you can see in the image - I put some pieces of lead between the bars below the floors. * I use a brake handle soldered from 0,6mm brass and drilled 0,7mm holes from above into the large step and the brake gearbox. **Glueing** 1. I start with sides and fronts and floor to build the box after grinding the parts (dry match test!) 1. I glued the fronts between sides (pull front out, put glue on it and put front between the sides, repeat with the second front. 1. add the seat inlay into the roof (in case brake man seat ...) 1. glue the box on the floor 1. glue wheel bearing to the floor with added wheel sets (I know it's a little tricky, do try tests before glueing!) 1. I glued some small pieces of lead between the two bars below the floor (5 4,5mm bullets) 1. Add windows from CD case or something else (in case windows ...) 1. Add the roof. **Painting** * I start with solvent based paint as primer to clean and smooth the PLA surface According our source<sup>[1]</sup> for the fire fighter car: * box: signal red (I used aero color from Schmincke: 3 drop scarlet * 1 drop light gray according to Schmincke's RAL mixing table) * frame, handles: black * roof: tar black * add some decades on a parking siding depending on, when your railway is **have fun and tell me your experiences** ----- ### Updates 2022-10-12 added some stuff to have fun with ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_sides-no\_door\_no\_window\_with\_supports.stl</code> >>variant of side without any door or window to mess around with the single door on a backyard ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar_TTm\_V08_simple_coupling.stl</code> >>a variant of the floor without T-head couplings for backyard use ... ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar_TTm\_V08_housing-side.stl</code> >>more fictional variant as makeshift passenger car or summer house. You have to decide: cut stairs, cut stiffener to the steps, cut into floor ... and keep in mind, its not easy to puzzle the box with stairs. ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar_TTm\_V08\_Seat\_inlay\_practical.stl</code> >>a seat inlay with shorter pimples, depending on the first layer it could be easier to fit this into the roof, even the other is okay in my opinion 2022-10-08 V08 (looks like a working release to me) * new sides with support points to make PLA printing a little easier * changed fronts (trying to change connection to roof) * front and roof with brake man seat * wider gaps between planks on front, side and door * smaller reinforcement parts (less sanding on floor and nicer look, I'll hope) * update with steps on the front with seat and brakes gearbox on the floor **Main files** ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_floor Thead4couplings.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_front w seat.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_front wo seat.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_roof with seat.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_roof wo seat.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_Seat inlay.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_sides-closed door with supports.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_sides-open door with supports.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_sides-window closed door with supports.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_sides-Window open door with supports.stl 1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_Wheel Bearing 2nd Generation.stl</code> **Files, maybe useful** ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_single\_door.stl</code> (a single door) <code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V08\_brake\_handle.stl</code> (just in case, I prefer the brass version) and as backup or variant a 7zip-file, the posted image is made from V06 ><code>1\_120\_-\_boxcar\_TTm\_V06-7.7z</code> 2022-10-06 just printing a version with open doors and the V07 roof * was not happy with the gaps between planks * roof can be better 2022-10-06 V06 was printed and built. I'm on the paint shop 2022-10-05 V06 with some nearly invisible, but useful changes ----- ### Sources [1] Ort I.(1988): Ein Feuerlöschzug in der Nenngröße H0<sub>m</sub>. In: *Modelleisenbahner 2/88*. Transpress Berlin. p.34f. ### Additional sources I will post some videos on [TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@tomeks_ttm) and pictures on [Instgram](https://www.instagram.com/tomeks_ttm/) ------- ### Origin and licensing * Technical drawing was published in the journal marked as source <sup>[1 (p.34f)]</sup>. * You are free to print and rescale my work for your projects and close friends. * I don't want any commercial use of this design and prints. * If you are representing a model club, a school or something comparable with these and want to use it for educational purposes in higher numbers, please tell me.






