Simple printed GX40 mag

Simple printed GX40 mag


A magazine which has been designed to have the same dimensions as the Gamo GX40 magazine. It fits nicely in the mag well and and the hole is in the right place. As you can probably see in the pictures, I had difficulty making a spring for it, but eventually it did work, a little bit too stiff though. The spring steel wire I used is 0.6mm diameter - DO NOT use this wire, use 0.4mm or below or the spring will be too stiff and some pellets will get stuck in the magazine and it's a real pain to have to remove the mag then fiddle with the pellet and so on. Things you need: > 0.4mm diameter spring steel wire OR > An original GX40 mag spring > A screw, I used an M2.5 bolt, but you can obviously drill a slightly bigger hole or modify the file It is 9 rounds instead of 10 due to the limitations of 3D printing - specifically how thin you can make walls and how the first layer will be applied. It took multiple attempts for a successful layer. If this happens to you, I recommend you decrease the first layer speed to something ridiculous like 10 or even less mm/s and increase bed temp to 70*C



