Symmetry - lines of and rotational

Symmetry - lines of and rotational


These prints are designed for touch readers to explore lines of symmetry and rotational symmetry. There are multiple triangles, a square and a pentagon. Put the lines of symmetry hinges together with 3M screws and nyloc nut. Thanks to for the customisable star file that was used to label one of the corners ###Rotational symmetry There's a hole in the rotational symmetry prints (flat) so they can be pinned onto a matching tactile diagram. They can then be rotated to test if they are rotationally symmetrical. The tactile diagrams should be designed to be slightly larger than the 3D print so they can be clearly felt around the print. The corners of the prints are labelled with different shapes so readers can keep track of how many times they've been rotated. ###Lines of symmetry There are 7 lines of symmetry prints – 3 x squares, 2 x equilateral triangles, 2 x isosceles triangles. Some of them are 'not' lines of symmetry to provide examples of the 'not' case. The hinges will bend so that the two pieces are approximately parallel to each other. Then the reader can feel around the two edges to confirm if the two halves are the same or different. These shapes match the rotational symmetry prints so students can compare the two properties. The corners of the prints are labelled with different shapes to match the rotational pieces.






