Zephyr’s Kiss (Fractal vase - Julia set)

Zephyr’s Kiss (Fractal vase - Julia set)


Swirls settle gently into a seductive silky form, giving rise to a spectacle of morphing fractals. Designed as a stack of quadratic Julia sets, where each set is similar to the sets immediately above and below it. The sets are defined as the set of all complex points z which do not diverge to infinity under the transformation: z -> z^2 + c, where c is some complex number. If we sample c at regular intervals along a smooth path inside the Mandelbrot set, we obtain a series of connected Julia sets locally similar enough to form a continuous surface when stacked. By choosing an appropriate path for c, the Julia sets consist of a closed curve without self-intersections at each stage, producing a surface with printable overhangs. Inspired by: [Julia Vase - Collections - virtox - Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/virtox/collections/julia-vase) __Instructions__ Prints in vase mode with a line width of 0.45 mm and a layer height of 0.15 mm.







Math Art